As a Behavioral Health Provider working with Medica members enrolled in Medica DUAL Solution® (MSHO) and/or Medica AccessAbility Solution® Enhanced (DSNP SNBC), you have an important role as member of the interdisciplinary care team.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires that dual Special Needs Plans (SNPs) such as Medica DUAL Solution and Medica AccessAbility Solution® Enhanced have a “Model of Care” plan submitted to CMS for approval. The Model of Care is seen as a vital quality improvement tool and an integral component for ensuring that the unique needs of each member enrolled in a SNP are identified and addressed. One CMS Model of Care requirement is that Medica conduct Model of Care training with providers.
Medica has developed Model of Care Training for Providers, easily accessible online at our website from our Provider College. This training module will give you, as a provider, an informative overview of the Medica DUAL Solution (MSHO) and Medica AccessAbility Solution® Enhanced (DSNP SNBC) Model of Care including:
- Description of the populations
- Care Coordination overview (Did you know that every Medica DUAL Solution and AccessAbility Solution Enhanced member has an assigned Care Coordinator that helps to coordinate the care of the member?)
- Provider network
- Quality measurement and performance improvement
We encourage you and your group’s providers to take 10-15 minutes to take the Medica DUAL Solution® (MSHO) and Medica AccessAbility Solution® Enhanced (DSNP SNBC)
Model of Care Provider Training